Monarch’s sub-assembly and kitting services help you increase your efficiency and reduce your costs.
Looking for an individual or smaller order can easily hurt your bottom line, and more importantly, your efficiencies. Monarch can group, package, and supply related items together as a single unit or we can assemble components and deliver them directly when you need them. Our kits are prepacked and are for a range of industries and applications.
We’re also able to support many of the aftermarket requirements specified by the product’s original manufacturer.
Customers using our kitting and subassembly services benefit from the following:
Decreased Purchasing Activity
Placing one order for one part number, rather than multiple parts, means less time spent managing orders.
Reduced Supplier Count
Kitting will assist in vendor base consolidation efforts and help with streamlining of your businesses supply chain activities.
Increased Productivity
Letting us research and supply material reduces your non-productive time wasted looking for material etc.
Reduced Paperwork
One order for one part also means reduced costly time required for procurement, receiving, and accounting activities.